❤️‍🩹 Fitness tracker (Life Trainer) PRO

Fitness Tracker Life Trainer is a comprehensive designed to simplify tracking your progress in fitness and healthy living. Whether you're working on improving your physical fitness, setting wellness goals, or leading a more active lifestyle, Fitness Tracker Life Trainer provides you with a powerful tool to organize, monitor, and optimize your journey towards a healthier lifestyle.


📝 Simplify Your Training Routine:

Streamline your fitness journey with our comprehensive training template designed to enhance every aspect of your workout regimen.

1. 🛒 Supermarket Shopping List:

Effortlessly create and manage your shopping list for nutritious groceries, ensuring you have everything you need to support your training and nutrition goals.

2. 🗓️ Weekly Workout Organization:

Plan and organize your weekly workouts with ease, setting clear goals and scheduling training sessions to maximize your progress and performance.

3. 💪 Exercise Selection:

Choose from a variety of exercises tailored to your fitness level and goals, allowing you to customize your workouts for optimal results and enjoyment.

4. 🏋️‍♂️ Track Weightlifting Records:

Record your personal bests and track your progress in weightlifting, celebrating new achievements and milestones as you reach new heights in strength and performance.

5. 🥗 Nutrition Management:

Stay on top of your nutrition with our integrated tools for meal planning, tracking macros, and monitoring your dietary intake to support your training and recovery.

6. 📅 Weekly Recipe Calendar:

Access a curated collection of nutritionist-approved recipes for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks, ensuring a balanced and delicious diet that complements your training routine.

7. 🌦️ Weather and Time Measurement:

Stay informed about weather conditions and track time to optimize your outdoor workouts, ensuring you can plan your training sessions effectively and stay safe during your workouts.

8. 🎵 Spotify Playlists:

Enhance your workout experience with curated Spotify playlists designed to keep you motivated and energized during your training sessions, creating the perfect soundtrack for your fitness journey.


What you'll get 

What's in the productivity system? 

How does this work?

After purchase, you will receive a link to mirror the system in your Notion app. If you're new to Notion, just create an account and everything should work fine.

This template will help you establish training, combine it with healthy eating and organize your daily, weekly, monthly and yearly life with a simple step-by-step process.

 What if I still have questions?

Send me an email lookatstudio11@gmail.com

or through our social networks

instagram or tiktok